April 16th 2020
I hope all is well and you’re coping with life at the moment. What a strange and challenging time on the planet? With so many changes to our lives and new information every day about what’s happening it can be hard to know what to think and where to put your attention.
How do we stay sane and centred at this time of turmoil?
How do we know what’s true and what’s “fake news”?
How do we know if our leaders are over-reacting or under-reacting?
And how do we stay connected and still protect the people we love?
I must confess I was initially a bit of a “COVID denier” but as I see the numbers escalating in the US and across the globe I feel very blessed that I live in Australia and that our Government has acted quickly and generously.
It’s been fascinating to see our normally combative, adversarial, oppositional, two-party system make the shift to consultation and collaboration to solve a common problem. At one point Scott Morrison actually said he didn’t want to talk politics, he needed to focus on solving this problem. Let’s hope that mindset continues into the future.
Several years ago in the lead up to 2012 (the end of the Mayan Calendar), I did a lot of research, writing, and teaching about the predicted shift on the planet to a greater awakening of human consciousness.
According to ancient prophecies from all over the world, there would be a point in time when humanity came to a fork in the path of our destiny and we would have a choice of which way to go. We could destroy ourselves with fear, greed, corruption, and destruction of the natural world OR we could shift into a new era of enlightenment and harmony. An era of collaboration and cooperation with a balance between masculine and feminine energy. A time of using the best of science and technology, bringing out the best in humanity and living with reverence for the natural world that supports us. People called it The Shift or The Awakening.
The 2012 predictions said that all the current corrupt, destructive or inhumane systems on the planet would crumble so they could be rebuilt in a better way. We may be a little behind schedule but I can’t help thinking this is the time where The Shift hits the fan!
Challenging our systems has been happening for a while with a string of Royal Commissions and Inquiries into the church, the banks, aged care, mental health, and disability services and protests about climate change and human rights.
Pre the COVID-19 lockdown, street protests all over the world had reached unprecedented (sorry to use that word) levels. The rumblings of change had started. Something had to give. Remember Hong Kong just a few short months ago? From Paris to Jakarta in 2019 there was a tsunami of protests across the globe.
The world is ready for change. The question is which fork in the road shall we take? Well, believe it or not, it’s up to you. Let me explain…
Ever since the release of the DVD “The Secret” in 2006, there’s been a new wave of people (including me) exploring our ability to manifest what we focus on. This movie by Ronda Byrne introduced us to the concept that our thoughts become things. Many spiritual teachers interviewed in the movie explained how our thoughts and emotions create our reality.
Of course the “Law of Attraction” is not new. Author and teacher, Gregg Braden, talks extensively about ancient texts, including biblical texts, that describes our ability to create our own reality and attract the things that resonate with our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. We literally have incredible power when we focus and have faith.
Albert Einstein confirmed this when he said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. It is physics.”
Whether you’ve been a student of the Law of Attraction for many years or if it’s a new concept to you, now is the perfect time to get practicing! And practice as if your future depended on it.
It’s time to be very vigilant with your thoughts because quantum science tells us that thoughts do become things. It’s time to consciously choose your emotions and choose the future you want. It’s time to turn within, decide what you want for yourself and the world, dig deep, raise your vibration and hold the vision.
Sure, it’s important to understand and accept the current reality but it’s also incredibly important to stop imagining the worst-case scenario and focus on the outcome you want. Put your intention out into the ether and know that it makes a difference.
If you’re finding things challenging, I’m are here to support you. Over the next few weeks (or months) I’ll be sharing lots of ideas on not just surviving this current crisis but embracing it as an opportunity to create profound, positive change in ourselves and in our world.
I’m also available for one on one appointments either online or in person if online doesn’t suit you. Just call, email or book through our website.