
A New Approach to Cancer

by | Apr 7, 2015

I hope you had a lovely Easter and remembered to eat your Easter Eggs and Hot Cross Buns very mindfully. I call it Zen Eating. And how nice was it to have 4 days off? It was quite an eventful 4 days for me. We went to the Movies on Friday, I painted the bathroom upstairs at Simply Natural Therapies and pruned some trees, we had our grandson overnight, checked out the Lunar (Blood Moon) Eclipse, went to our son’s for dinner, babysat our daughter’s two Spoodles for the weekend, visited my parents and a sister in Ballarat, fed (ie. got attacked by) the very enthusiastic swans at Lake Wendouree, rescued a friend whose car had broken down and caught up on some housework. Actually, now I think about it, maybe I need a weekend off after all that.

Over the past few weeks I’ve talked about mindfulness in the Enews and just now as I think back over the weekend it actually sounds very busy. I know that if I’d spent time thinking about it all prior to actually doing those things I probably would’ve felt a bit overwhelmed. As it turned out I thoroughly enjoyed everything as it was happening. I was simply “in the moment” and all was well, except for the swans thinking I was the food. It made realise that I’m very grateful for my good health and that I have lots of energy. I do my best not to take that for granted. (You might want to check out the link to the Wellness Webcast below for my Secret Remedy for health and energy)

Anyway, over the past week I’ve been watching an 11 part documentary series about cancer by Ty Bollinger called “The Quest for the Cures Continues….” An episode a day for 11 days is being screened online and although I haven’t seen all of them I’ve found them really interesting. Ty Bollinger’s father, died within 25 days of being diagnosed with cancer. His mother and 5 direct family members also died of cancer. Ty started asking questions of doctors, scientists and cancer survivors and his interviews form the basis of this ground-breaking and controversial series. You can still catch the last 4 episodes for free or purchase the series online. They air at 11am Melbourne time the day after the times and dates below which is US Eastern time and are available for free for 23 hours. Here are the topics covered…
Episode 1: Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic (March 30th 9:00PM Eastern US time)
Episode 2: Your First Line of Defence… (March 31st)
Episode 3: Eliminate These “Dirty Dozen” To Prevent Cancer (April 1st)
Episode 4: Your Secret Fountain of Youth (April 2nd)
Episode 5: Nature’s Pharmacy (April 3rd)
Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet (April 4th)
Episode 7: Diagnostic “Do’s & Don’ts” – Proven Treatment Protocols Part 1 (April 5th)
Episode 8: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 2 (April 6th)
Episode 9: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 3 (April 7th)
Episode 10: Doctor’s Orders (April 8th)
Episode 11: How to Survive and Thrive (April 9th)

You can watch the trailer and sign up HERE. I would love to know what you think.

The episodes I’ve watched so far confirm many of the things I’ve said about health care over the years like the importance of good nutrition, detoxing and managing stress. These three things are the keys to preventing cancer and I believe they’re equally important in treating it. Unfortunately once cancer has been diagnosed conventional medicine only offers chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. These treatments are toxic and stressful and two of the three actually cause cancer! Although these treatments can be life-saving in certain cases, they can’t restore health or heal the body. A study from Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney showed that chemotherapy has only a 2.3% effectiveness in terms of 5 year survival and it usually has pretty awful side effects that diminish the patients’ quality of life. In fact in the US 86% of doctors polled said they wouldn’t take or give their immediate family members the treatments they prescribe their cancer patients. I find that pretty shocking.

Restoring health actually requires restoring the immune system. Many of the doctors interviewed agreed that a healthy immune system and cancer can’t exist in the same body at the same time. One of the doctors interviewed in Episode 7, Dr Tony Jiminez MD, has worked in Oncology for the past 25 years. He now treats cancer patients at the Hope 4 Cancer Institute with 7 Key Principles. I love these principles and I realised that we have most of the them covered at Simply Natural Therapies. These Key Principles are….

1.Non-toxic therapies
2.Stimulating and optimising the immune system
5.Anti-microbial therapy (for parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria)
6.Healing emotions and their biological link in the body. Clearing conflicts, traumas, letting go of emotional baggage.
7.Oxygen Therapy, Hyperthermia, Sound and Light (Sonar Photo) Therapy.

We currently offer everything except No 7. Of course we can’t claim that our therapies cure any disease but we do have a firm belief that the body can heal itself when it’s given the right support. Naturopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine are designed to guide you through the first 5 principles. Holistic Counselling, Hypnotherapy and Energy Healing are all very powerful and effective ways to clear negative emotions. We’re always really happy to work together with enlightened Oncologists and GPs who also understand these principles. We can also refer you for Oxygen Therapy and other specialized treatments.

However, the first and most important step to take to either prevent cancer (and any other dis-eases for that matter) or support your body to heal is to clear your emotional baggage. According to Dr Jiminez, “Buried feelings never die,” they manifest in the body. You may have noticed that old negative emotions and patterns come to the fore at certain times like around the full moon. Believe it or not the energy of the recent eclipse may have triggered old issues for you and triggered the desire to clear them once and for all. I know I’m certainly in clutter clearing mode and really feeling the urge to simplify my life, step up and make a fresh start. Maybe that’s why I felt the need to paint the bathroom!

If you’re ready to explore and clear up your old emotional baggage, recurring negative relationship patterns and old out-dated ways of being then this week I highly recommend a session with Kara Kovacs. Kara is a Medical Intuitive and Holistic Counsellor and is available this coming Saturday. Kara works from the heart and has quite a magical ability to tune into deeply held emotions and help you clear them safely. You might also consider Emotional Freedom Technique with Catharine Ross our EFT specialist.

On another note…. if you’re into the more spiritual side of things then this Friday Juliet Gauci is available for Palm Reading and on Saturday we have the Belinda Vandyk doing Tarot Readings. Belinda did the Aura Photos for us recently and we’ve invited her back by popular demand for these very accurate and intuitive readings. Tamsin Russell is doing Sound Healings and Intuitive Channelling of messages from your loved ones. Call us for more information or to book an appointment.

Now please take a look at the side column for our upcoming events and specials>>>
And…. We would love to review us on Facebook. See the link is below. You receive a $20 voucher towards you next session with one of our practitioners.

That’s all for now. Have a great week,

Warm Regards,
Alison Burton
pioneering the future of healthcare

Simply Natural Therapies
41 Tunstall Square
East Doncaster
VIC 3109
03 9842 7033

VIEW OUR WELLNESS WEBCAST on our Secret Remedy for Health

Warm Regards,
Alison Burton
Health and Happiness Guru

Simply Natural Therapies
1036 Doncaster Rd,
Doncaster East, 3109
Victoria, Australia.
Phone 03 9842 7033


Alison Burton

Alison Burton

Health and Happiness Guru

Alison Burton is one of Melbourne’s leading Hypnotherapists and owner of Simply Natural Therapies. Alison is a sought after public speaker and has appeared on ABC National Radio, SBS Radio and is a regular guest on 3WBC Radio. She has also featured in The Age, Herald Sun, Insight Magazine and local news media. Alison has a keen interest in all aspects of natural health and wellbeing, energy medicine, human consciousness and bringing more common sense and kindness to the planet.
Alison’s interest in energy healing is often incorporated in her work through the use of Reiki, Kinergetics and acupressure techniques including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
She has three adult children and 2 adorable grandchildren.
Alison lives Melbourne’s Eastern suburbs and runs a Natural Health Centre with 15 practitioners, an extensive range of classes including HypnoBirthing, and a retail shop.

Alison offers a FREE 60 minute Health and Wellbeing Consultation to clarify your needs and design a strategy to help you achieve your health and well-being goals

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