
Do You Have to Suffer to be Spiritual?

by | Jul 19, 2018

Hi Lovely Soul,

How has your week been? I’m still in sunny Spain and loving it. We caught the train from San Sebastian to Barcelona yesterday and now we’re busy planning our time here so we make the most of this amazing city and it’s unique architecture.

We had 5 days in San Sebastian and it was fabulous. It’s on the Northern coast of Spain, close to France.  It’s also close to the “The Camino,” the route of an ancient pilgrimage (since 812AD) that ends at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostella. It’s believed the remains of St James are buried there.

Although we didn’t locate the path or walk any of it, being so close made me wonder about it. I’ve read a number of books about the journey and have vaguely entertained the thought of doing it at some stage.

Currently more than 250,000 walk this path each year, many of them completing the 800km journey in around 40 days.  And of course it’s as much a spiritual journey as a physical one.

The spiritual aspect of it fascinates me. One book I read said that the first third of the journey was about overcoming the physical challenges, the next third about overcoming the mental challenges and the final third about overcoming the spiritual challenges.  All part of the quest for enlightenment.

As spiritual and enlightened as I’d like to be I’m afraid the physical demands seem a little too gruelling for me.  I’m not sure about you but the idea of an aching body and blistered feet puts me off somehow.

I know many people have a strong calling/motivation/passion/inspiration to walk The Camino and I have the utmost respect for anyone who’s done it. I’m always curious to hear people’s stories.  And I would love to hear from you if you have.

If not, and if an 800 kilometre pilgrimage is not your cup of tea either then don’t stress, the spiritual journey can occur in many ways. And I don’t actually believe we need to suffer or struggle or go through the dark night of the soul for it to unfold.

I know many people do start to seek spirituality after a crisis.  And often we postpone our soul searching until we get a wake up call that we can no longer ignore.

It’s intriguing how many people who go through cancer, for example, discover meditation and/or Yoga and later say that their cancer diagnosis was the best thing that could have happened to them.   For others it might be a financial crisis or a relationship breakdown.

Of course, don’t think anyone would intentionally choose those routes but sometimes there’s gold to be found within a challenge.  I love the line from a Leonard Cohen song that says, “There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

But maybe we don’t need to crack.  Maybe we can find gentle, positive and supportive ways to be on the spiritual journey. We just need the motivation to do it.

I know that pain is the most powerful motivator to taking action but maybe it’s not necessary.  What if we just started to do those things that connect us to our hearts and our Divine Nature without waiting for the wake up call of a health issue or without walking 800 kilometres or without sitting uncomfortably in silent meditation for 10 days?  (As I did last year.)

Maybe we can just start with remembering to be kind, and remembering to be grateful and remembering to slow down and listen to our inner wisdom. I believe that when we can consistently practice those 3 simple things in all our everyday situations we will be enlightened.

I’m not saying this is an easy path but at least it won’t give you blisters on your feet. I’d love your thoughts.

Hope you have an awesome week.

Sending lots of love and light your way,

Warm Regards,
Alison Burton
Simply Natural Therapies

Alison Burton is one of Melbourne’s leading Hypnotherapists and owner of Simply Natural Therapies.
Alison is a sought after public speaker and has appeared on ABC National Radio, SBS Radio and is a regular guest on 3WBC Radio. She has also featured in The Age, Herald Sun, Insight Magazine and local news media. Alison has a keen interest in all aspects of natural health and wellbeing, energy medicine, human consciousness and bringing more common sense and kindness to the planet. She has three adult children and 3 adorable grandchildren.
Take a look at Alison’s powerful and extensive range of Hypnosis MP3 recordings HERE.  

To book an appointment with Alison or any of the exceptional Practitionersat Simply Natural Therapies phone 9842 7033, reply to this email or book online HERE

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Warm Regards,
Alison Burton
Health and Happiness Guru

Simply Natural Therapies
1036 Doncaster Rd,
Doncaster East, 3109
Victoria, Australia.
Phone 03 9842 7033


Alison Burton

Alison Burton

Health and Happiness Guru

Alison Burton is one of Melbourne’s leading Hypnotherapists and owner of Simply Natural Therapies. Alison is a sought after public speaker and has appeared on ABC National Radio, SBS Radio and is a regular guest on 3WBC Radio. She has also featured in The Age, Herald Sun, Insight Magazine and local news media. Alison has a keen interest in all aspects of natural health and wellbeing, energy medicine, human consciousness and bringing more common sense and kindness to the planet.
Alison’s interest in energy healing is often incorporated in her work through the use of Reiki, Kinergetics and acupressure techniques including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
She has three adult children and 2 adorable grandchildren.
Alison lives Melbourne’s Eastern suburbs and runs a Natural Health Centre with 15 practitioners, an extensive range of classes including HypnoBirthing, and a retail shop.

Alison offers a FREE 60 minute Health and Wellbeing Consultation to clarify your needs and design a strategy to help you achieve your health and well-being goals

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