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What Does It Really Mean to Love Yourself?

What Does It Really Mean to Love Yourself?

April 21st 2020 Me again.  If you missed last week’s email about my take on the current situation on the planet here’s a LINK. The gist of it is that we currently have a remarkable opportunity to elevate our thoughts and emotions (and our vibration) to emerge from our...

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What to do When the Shift Hits the Fan

What to do When the Shift Hits the Fan

April 16th 2020 I hope all is well and you’re coping with life at the moment.  What a strange and challenging time on the planet?  With so many changes to our lives and new information every day about what’s happening it can be hard to know what to think and where to...

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The End of Complacency

The End of Complacency

Well I’ve had another gorgeous week at the beach. I think I could get used to this. I’ve been coming back to see clients on Tuesday and Wednesday through January but we’re packing up the caravan this Friday and coming back for good. Well, til next summer anyway. This...

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How to Reclaim Your Joy

How to Reclaim Your Joy

How has your week been? What a scorcher of a day yesterday. The cool change was such a relief. I’m writing this as I listen to the rain on the roof of the caravan. It’s lovely. I’ve definitely had a roller coaster of a week and in particular on Friday.  Like many of...

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10 Great Reasons to Do Nothing

10 Great Reasons to Do Nothing

I hope your week has been enjoyable.  What gorgeous weather we’ve had.  Our caravan is still at the beach.  I’m back in Melbourne for a couple of days to see clients, do some washing, see what’s in our letterbox, say hello to our pet tortoise, Squirtle, water my...

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Mind Body Soul and Genetics – What is MTHFR?

Mind Body Soul and Genetics – What is MTHFR?

I hope you’re coping with the silly season.  We’ve been very busy in the shop and the clinic again this week.  And lots of people are discovering us for the first time.  I often say to people who have lived in the area for a long time and have only just found us that...

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Breaking Those Bad Habits

Breaking Those Bad Habits

I hope all is well in your world and that you're enjoying the lead up to Christmas.  What a hot day we had yesterday.  (I do love summer.) Tunstall Square was a little quieter than usual for this time of the year. I think people tend to hit the big shopping centres...

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Changing From the Inside Out

Changing From the Inside Out

How has your week been?  We’ve had a fabulous week and I’m thrilled to tell you that we were “Highly Commended” at the Manningham Business Excellence Awards last Wednesday night.  We have a lovely certificate to pop on our wall and we are very proud to tell anyone who...

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The World at a Turning Point

The World at a Turning Point

Well I'm back from my holiday and I have to say I've gone into slow motion. I didn't even go to the Clinic yesterday. And how lovely to have today off as well! As much as I love my work it’s nice to stretch out the holiday a little further. I did do quite a lot of...

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Change or Transformation

Change or Transformation

I hope you've had a good week and that you survived the storms over the weekend. What crazy weather! We're still waiting for Spring to settle in but in the meantime I'm off to Bali in 2 sleeps. I'm planning a massage a day and lots of sitting by the pool. Sooo looking...

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Teaching Self Control

Teaching Self Control

Hi Well, it’s Tuesday again, the kids are back at school and we’re on the homestretch to the end of the year.  If you have an anxious or stressed VCE student at home please, please, please bring them in for a session with one of our Practitioners.  Whether it’s for a...

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Making The Shift

Making The Shift

Hi, I hope you’ve had a great week. Do you find each week going faster?  Or perhaps if you have school aged children the holidays have made time slow down.  I certainly find when I have my grandchildren around, like we did on the weekend, time goes more slowly. I...

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Throwing in the Tea Towel

Throwing in the Tea Towel

Well it feels like Spring is almost here. It’s so lovely to see the sunshine and the blossom coming out.  I do love the warmer weather. Years ago I spent a winter in Holland which was very long and dark and cold so I never complain too much about Melbourne’s winters. ...

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Is Your Doctor Awake?

Is Your Doctor Awake?

Hi, Well, if you’ve visited our shop and clinic in the past couple of weeks, congratulations! We have some pretty serious construction work going on out the front. Every morning it’s a bit of a challenge to find the entrance to our shop. I feel a bit like a mouse in a...

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A Day You’ll Never Forget – Giving Birth

A Day You’ll Never Forget – Giving Birth

I hope all is well. How are you coping with the chilly weather? I must say I do prefer summer. I’m looking into booking a week or two in Queensland or Bali during July or August. I think it’s so sensible to migrate north for the winter even if it’s only briefly....

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Not All in the Mind

Not All in the Mind

I hope you enjoyed Mother’s Day. I had a gorgeous day with two of my three children coming for breakfast. My eldest daughter Michelle was excused as she was desperately in need of a sleep-in. She is the mother of a 1 and a 3 year old. Need I say more? We took our...

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Trauma Busting

Trauma Busting

Hi, How has your week been?  I can’t believe we are nudging the end of April already. My adorable granddaughter will be turning one soon. Where has that time gone? I took her to her first Gymbaroo Class last week. It was such fun and what an amazing program to help...

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Coping with Kids

Coping with Kids

Hi, I hope all is well with you. If you have school aged kids I hope you’re enjoying the holidays. My children left school long ago and my grandchildren are yet to start so the holidays don’t make a big difference in our lives at this stage. We did have our...

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How to Find Your Mojo

How to Find Your Mojo

Hi, A belated Happy Easter. I hope you were able to relax over the weekend and spend some quality time with friends and/or family. Harry and I went to Phillip Island for a couple of nights with a group of friends. On Friday most of the guys spent the day on their...

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Health and Happiness Tips and Techniques

Regular tips and techniques for taking care of your mind, body and soul! Just sign up below.
I look forward to supporting you on your journey to health and happiness,

Warm Regards, Alison Burton 
Alison Burton

Changing your mind
Transforming your life

1036 Doncaster Rd,
Doncaster East, 3109
Victoria, Australia.
Phone 03 9842 7033