Breaking Those Bad Habits

Breaking Those Bad Habits

I hope all is well in your world and that you’re enjoying the lead up to Christmas.  What a hot day we had yesterday.  (I do love summer.) Tunstall Square was a little quieter than usual for this time of the year. I think people tend to hit the big shopping...
Breaking Those Bad Habits

Changing From the Inside Out

How has your week been?  We’ve had a fabulous week and I’m thrilled to tell you that we were “Highly Commended” at the Manningham Business Excellence Awards last Wednesday night.  We have a lovely certificate to pop on our wall and we are very proud to tell anyone who...
The World at a Turning Point

The World at a Turning Point

Well I’m back from my holiday and I have to say I’ve gone into slow motion. I didn’t even go to the Clinic yesterday. And how lovely to have today off as well! As much as I love my work it’s nice to stretch out the holiday a little further. I did do...
Change or Transformation

Change or Transformation

I hope you’ve had a good week and that you survived the storms over the weekend. What crazy weather! We’re still waiting for Spring to settle in but in the meantime I’m off to Bali in 2 sleeps. I’m planning a massage a day and lots of sitting...
Breaking Those Bad Habits

Teaching Self Control

Hi Well, it’s Tuesday again, the kids are back at school and we’re on the homestretch to the end of the year.  If you have an anxious or stressed VCE student at home please, please, please bring them in for a session with one of our Practitioners.  Whether it’s for a...