Weight Loss Program

  • Do you struggle with weight loss?
  • Do you think too much about food?
  • Do you have food cravings?
  • Or a stubborn body?
  • Are you sick of restrictive diets?  
  • Or pushing yourself to exercise?


To be honest, I’ve been there, and done that, and it takes up way too much headspace, time, money and energy.

So if you’re looking for a safe and permanent solution to your weight issue, then you will love this ground-breaking Weight Loss Program and discover how changing your mind with Hypnosis can help get you off the diet treadmill forever.

You’ll learn how to be at peace with food, reconnect with your intuitive wisdom and allow your body to naturally and easily achieve its ideal healthy weight.

I’ve been running this surprisingly successful Weight Loss Program for the past 20 years.


This Weight Off Your Mind Program focuses on:

  • Shifting your mindset
  • Clearing the need for emotional eating
  • Eliminating cravings
  • Changing your habits
  • The magic of the MindBody connection


It includes: 

  • 4 Private Face to FAce or Online Consulations
  • The 6 Secrets to Simply Natural Weight Loss
  • A powerful experience of Hypnosis during each session
  • “Weight Off Your Mind” Audio MP3 Download
  • Follow up email support
  • No diets
  • No cravings
  • No stress

One woman who attended this 2 hour Seminar told us 8 months later that something shifted in her thinking and she had easily lost 30kg! Another lost 50kg. How fabulous is that?

This fresh new approach to weight loss is truly holistic, empowering you to re-awaken your natural ability to eat only what you need. I’ll teach you some really powerful, safe and effective techniques to reprogram your thinking and eliminate the habits and beliefs that have created your weight problem in the first place. You’ll learn simple ways to change your eating behaviour and finally make peace with food and your body. If you’ll struggled with dieting you’ll love this “No Diet” approach, you’ll learn to listen to your body and get weight off you

Weight Loss Testimonials

There’s lots more feedback below.
Feedback from our Weight Off Your Mind Seminar…

“Really interesting. Great info and thought process. Great to have info and CD to reinforce today’s session”

“The session was excellent, some very practical tools to shift my ‘weigh’ of eating. I look forward to working with these skills in my life.”

“Very helpful. Lots of suggestions can’t wait to see the results. Thank you”

“Hypnosis was very valuable and interesting.”

“Very, very, very relatable. As if she was speaking to me. I was unsure if I would be hypnotised but I was. I took a bit out of the session.”

“Relaxing. Gives techniques to rethink about food but the interesting thing is I didn’t feel that there was an emphasis on food.”

“It was an excellent session. Everything was explained very clearly. I’m now looking forward to it working. Thank you”

“Very informative. I am looking forward to taking control of my weight loss- challenge of more than 18yrs”

“I really enjoyed the session. It was very engaging and I learnt a lot and had some great realisations. I feel confident and happy after the hypnosis session. The best thing is it feels easy. Thank you.”

“I lost 50 kilos in 10 months without even trying. I don’t really understand how it worked but it was so easy.”

“For some reason I’m simply not interested in the foods that aren’t good for me. I really do prefer fruits and vegies now, just like the suggestion in the CD says.”

“I lost 30 kilos after attending Manuela’s Weight Loss Seminar. Something shifted in my mind and it happened automatically.”

“I’ve been losing 1 to 2 kilos a week since I attended the Seminar. I don’t feel deprived at all but I’m simply making better choices. I love listening to the CD. I also found the follow up sessions with Manuela really helpful.”

If you’d like to be one of our happy, healthy, slim, sexy success stories then call me on 03 9842 7033 or book HERE

Stop Smoking Program

Weight Loss Program


Irritable Bowel Program

Stress to Serenity

Health and Happiness Tips and Techniques

Regular tips and techniques for taking care of your mind, body and soul! Just sign up below.
I look forward to supporting you on your journey to health and happiness,

Warm Regards, Alison Burton 
Alison Burton

Changing your mind
Transforming your life

1036 Doncaster Rd,
Doncaster East, 3109
Victoria, Australia.
Phone 03 9842 7033